Terang College – General Tips – 29.10.2021

NAPLAN – Locked Down Browser Installation

This article is for students using their own device at college and participating in the School Readiness Test(SRT).

Students in Year 3, 5, 7 and 9 are tested on the fundamental literacy and numeracy skills that every child needs to succeed in Terang College and beyond. Students will need to be familiar with opening the Locked Down Browser(LDB) before test days. If students having issues with the installation, supports available in the college I.T office( Tuesday, Thursday and Friday)

SRT 2021 Schedule @terangcollege

All 4 steps MUSE be completed if students are willing to install LDB by themselves. The estimated time for the complete installation and testing in only 5 -7 minutes.

  1. DOWNLOAD – the download link on this article
  2. INSTALLATION – default Installation
  3. OPEN LDB – run the LDB to make sure if the program installed properly.
  4. TEST – sound and microphone(headphones or headsets)
Device Check(Without Login Button) for Testing.

On test days

  • Students devices must have a full charge. Charging stations will be available at both campuses.
  • Students must have the school Wi-Fi connection and Internet browsing.
  • Headphone or headset must be tested(Step 4)

Download Link

Click this link to list all versions of LDB – Official NAPLAN Online Website


For Windows

once the download is completed, open it from the folder. Tick the box to agree to the terms of the license and then select the Install button.

For Apple Macbooks

Double click to open downloaded filed. A window will appear to drag the program into the Application Folder

For iPads

LDB can be downloaded from App Store. Search Word ‘ NAP Locked Down Browser’

College I.C.T Supports

  • College Trolley Laptops have the lasted LDB Installed.
  • Spare Headset available for students.
  • Technicians onsite on the testing day.
