Induction of Terang College Leaders
Following advice from the Victorian Government Terang College will return to remote learning from Monday 15th – Wednesday 17th February (inclusive). So what does this mean for you and your family? It means that all students will be learning Read more
The Victorian Government is investing $42 million into planning for school infrastructure projects to fast-track the state’s long-term economic recovery hit by the coronavirus pandemic.
Labor Member Read more
Tuesday 15th September 2020
Dear Families,
The purpose of this letter is to explain how things will look from the beginning of Term Four.
Week 1 (Monday 5th October- Friday 9th October)
You are no doubt aware of the significant changes that will take place this week:
Students are expected to attend school tomorrow, Monday 3rd August- Staff and students will be required to wear face coverings.
Parents and students involved with the Terang College need to be aware, as of the commencement of school on Monday, 3rd August, the College will be adhering to the Government’s directive of all students 12 years of age and Read more
Mobile phones and College Uniform
A couple of reminders to all students and families prior to the return of all students on Tuesday 9th June.
Please read attached letter regarding returning to school from the 25th May, 2020
parent letter return to school 15052020
Dear Parents/Guardians
This is an unusual time for everyone as the rapid evolution of the Covid-19 outbreak continues to challenge every aspect of our lives. In order to slow the spread of the coronavirus and in accordance with Read more
Friday 27th March 2020
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Terang College, along with every other school in this network, is endeavouring to be as prepared, as it can be, for the move to remote learning if it eventuates.
It is Read more