Blue for Ben Day
On Friday the 15th March, Terang College P-12 SRC & JSC will be holding an Out-of-Uniform day to raise funds for Ben Stewart.
Ben is a 12 year old boy from Kolora who is suffering from uncontrolled epilepsy, he has focal seizures and regular tonic clonic seizures at night time, plus at least 6 absence seizures hourly. Ben has been accepted for an Epilepsy Seizure Alert Dog by Smart Pups, and his family need to help raise the funds to train a dog for him, the cost to train one of these dogs is $25,000.
This dog will be trained to alert when Ben is about to have a seizure as well as help Ben in his everyday life. For more information about Ben’s cause please go to: BBQ Available at 5-12 campus at lunchtime.